希区柯克剧场 第三季


简介:  An arrogant detective, Charles Courtney, prides himself on never having committed a single mistake


  An arrogant detective, Charles Courtney, prides himself on never having committed a single mistake in his long and distinguished career. He keeps a shelf of labeled mementos from each of his cases. On the shelf there is an open space and a blank tag for what Courtney calls "The Perfect Crime". One day a defense lawyer stuns Courtney when he confronts him with evidence that the ...

大师兄影视(www.fm993.net)提供希区柯克剧场 第三季免费完整版,以及相关的剧情简介、演员、导演、幕后花絮、剧照、海报等信息,为您观看希区柯克剧场 第三季影片提供最有价值的影音报告!如果喜欢这部欧美剧《希区柯克剧场 第三季》,分享链接https://www.fm993.net/folder43/xiqukekejuchangdisanji.html。


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